{"version":3,"file":"tagify.min.js","sources":["src/parts/constants.js","src/parts/helpers.js","src/parts/defaults.js","src/parts/suggestions.js","src/parts/dropdown.js","src/parts/events.js","src/parts/persist.js","src/parts/texts.js","src/parts/templates.js","src/tagify.js","src/parts/EventDispatcher.js"],"sourcesContent":["export var ZERO_WIDTH_CHAR = '\\u200B';\nexport var ZERO_WIDTH_UNICODE_CHAR = ``","import {ZERO_WIDTH_CHAR} from './constants'\r\n\r\nexport const logger = {\r\n isEnabled() { return window.TAGIFY_DEBUG ?? true},\r\n log(...args){ this.isEnabled() && console.log('[Tagify]:', ...args) },\r\n warn(...args) { this.isEnabled() && console.warn('[Tagify]:', ...args) }\r\n}\r\n\r\n// console.json = console.json || function(argument){\r\n// for(var arg=0; arg < arguments.length; ++arg)\r\n// console.log( JSON.stringify(arguments[arg], null, 4) )\r\n// }\r\n\r\n// const isEdge = /Edge/.test(navigator.userAgent)\r\nexport const sameStr = (s1, s2, caseSensitive, trim) => {\r\n // cast to String\r\n s1 = \"\"+s1;\r\n s2 = \"\"+s2;\r\n\r\n if( trim ){\r\n s1 = s1.trim()\r\n s2 = s2.trim()\r\n }\r\n\r\n return caseSensitive\r\n ? s1 == s2\r\n : s1.toLowerCase() == s2.toLowerCase()\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n// const getUID = () => (new Date().getTime() + Math.floor((Math.random()*10000)+1)).toString(16)\r\nexport const removeCollectionProp = (collection, unwantedProps) => collection && Array.isArray(collection) && collection.map(v => omit(v, unwantedProps))\r\n\r\nexport function omit(obj, props){\r\n var newObj = {}, p;\r\n for( p in obj )\r\n if( props.indexOf(p) < 0 )\r\n newObj[p] = obj[p]\r\n return newObj\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function decode( s ) {\r\n var el = document.createElement('div');\r\n return s.replace(/\\?[0-9a-z]+;/gi, function(enc){\r\n el.innerHTML = enc;\r\n return el.innerText\r\n })\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * utility method\r\n * https://stackoverflow.com/a/35385518/104380\r\n * @param {String} s [HTML string]\r\n * @return {Object} [DOM node]\r\n */\r\nexport function parseHTML( s ){\r\n var parser = new DOMParser(),\r\n node = parser.parseFromString(s.trim(), \"text/html\");\r\n\r\n return node.body.firstElementChild;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Removed new lines and irrelevant spaces which might affect layout, and are better gone\r\n * @param {string} s [HTML string]\r\n */\r\nexport function minify( s ){\r\n return s ? s\r\n .replace(/\\>[\\r\\n ]+\\<\")\r\n .split(/>\\s+).join('><').trim()\r\n : \"\"\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function removeTextChildNodes( elm ){\r\n var iter = document.createNodeIterator(elm, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false),\r\n textnode;\r\n\r\n // print all text nodes\r\n while (textnode = iter.nextNode()){\r\n if( !textnode.textContent.trim() )\r\n textnode.parentNode.removeChild(textnode)\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function getfirstTextNode( elm, action ){\r\n action = action || 'previous';\r\n while ( elm = elm[action + 'Sibling'] )\r\n if( elm.nodeType == 3 )\r\n return elm\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * utility method\r\n * https://stackoverflow.com/a/6234804/104380\r\n */\r\nexport function escapeHTML( s ){\r\n return typeof s == 'string' ? s\r\n .replace(/&/g, \"&\")\r\n .replace(//g, \">\")\r\n .replace(/\"/g, \""\")\r\n .replace(/`|'/g, \"'\")\r\n : s;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Checks if an argument is a javascript Object\r\n */\r\nexport function isObject(obj) {\r\n var type = Object.prototype.toString.call(obj).split(' ')[1].slice(0, -1);\r\n return obj === Object(obj) && type != 'Array' && type != 'Function' && type != 'RegExp' && type != 'HTMLUnknownElement';\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * merge objects into a single new one\r\n * TEST: extend({}, {a:{foo:1}, b:[]}, {a:{bar:2}, b:[1], c:()=>{}})\r\n */\r\nexport function extend( o, o1, o2) {\r\n if( !(o instanceof Object) ) o = {};\r\n\r\n copy(o, o1);\r\n if( o2 )\r\n copy(o, o2)\r\n\r\n function copy(a,b){\r\n // copy o2 to o\r\n for( var key in b )\r\n if( b.hasOwnProperty(key) ){\r\n if( isObject(b[key]) ){\r\n if( !isObject(a[key]) )\r\n a[key] = Object.assign({}, b[key])\r\n else\r\n copy(a[key], b[key])\r\n\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( Array.isArray(b[key]) ){\r\n a[key] = Object.assign([], b[key])\r\n continue\r\n }\r\n\r\n a[key] = b[key]\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return o\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * concatenates N arrays without dups.\r\n * If an array's item is an Object, compare by `value`\r\n */\r\nexport function concatWithoutDups(){\r\n const newArr = [],\r\n existingObj = {};\r\n\r\n for( let arr of arguments ) {\r\n for( let item of arr ) {\r\n // if current item is an object which has yet to be added to the new array\r\n if( isObject(item) ){\r\n if( !existingObj[item.value] ){\r\n newArr.push(item)\r\n existingObj[item.value] = 1\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // if current item is not an object and is not in the new array\r\n else if( !newArr.includes(item) )\r\n newArr.push(item)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n return newArr\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Extracted from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37511463/104380\r\n * @param {String} s\r\n */\r\nexport function unaccent( s ){\r\n // if not supported, do not continue.\r\n // developers should use a polyfill:\r\n // https://github.com/walling/unorm\r\n if( !String.prototype.normalize )\r\n return s\r\n\r\n if (typeof(s) === 'string')\r\n return s.normalize(\"NFD\").replace(/[\\u0300-\\u036f]/g, \"\")\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Meassures an element's height, which might yet have been added DOM\r\n * https://stackoverflow.com/q/5944038/104380\r\n * @param {DOM} node\r\n */\r\nexport function getNodeHeight( node ){\r\n var height, clone = node.cloneNode(true)\r\n clone.style.cssText = \"position:fixed; top:-9999px; opacity:0\"\r\n document.body.appendChild(clone)\r\n height = clone.clientHeight\r\n clone.parentNode.removeChild(clone)\r\n return height\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport var isChromeAndroidBrowser = () => /(?=.*chrome)(?=.*android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)\r\n\r\nexport function getUID() {\r\n return ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c =>\r\n (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)\r\n )\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function isNodeTag(node){\r\n return node && node.classList && node.classList.contains(this.settings.classNames.tag)\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function isWithinNodeTag(node){\r\n return node && node.closest(this.settings.classNames.tagSelector)\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n* Get the caret position relative to the viewport\r\n* https://stackoverflow.com/q/58985076/104380\r\n*\r\n* @returns {object} left, top distance in pixels\r\n*/\r\nexport function getCaretGlobalPosition(){\r\n const sel = document.getSelection()\r\n\r\n if( sel.rangeCount ){\r\n const r = sel.getRangeAt(0)\r\n const node = r.startContainer\r\n const offset = r.startOffset\r\n let rect, r2;\r\n\r\n if (offset > 0) {\r\n r2 = document.createRange()\r\n r2.setStart(node, offset - 1)\r\n r2.setEnd(node, offset)\r\n rect = r2.getBoundingClientRect()\r\n return {left:rect.right, top:rect.top, bottom:rect.bottom}\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( node.getBoundingClientRect )\r\n return node.getBoundingClientRect()\r\n }\r\n\r\n return {left:-9999, top:-9999}\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Injects content (either string or node) at the current the current (or specificed) caret position\r\n * @param {content} string/node\r\n * @param {range} Object (optional, a range other than the current window selection)\r\n */\r\nexport function injectAtCaret(content, range){\r\n var selection = window.getSelection();\r\n range = range || selection.getRangeAt(0)\r\n\r\n if( typeof content == 'string' )\r\n content = document.createTextNode(content)\r\n\r\n if( range ) {\r\n range.deleteContents()\r\n range.insertNode(content)\r\n }\r\n\r\n return content\r\n}\r\n\r\n/** Setter/Getter\r\n * Each tag DOM node contains a custom property called \"__tagifyTagData\" which hosts its data\r\n * @param {Node} tagElm\r\n * @param {Object} data\r\n */\r\nexport function getSetTagData(tagElm, data, override){\r\n if( !tagElm ){\r\n logger.warn(\"tag element doesn't exist\",{tagElm, data})\r\n return data\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( data )\r\n tagElm.__tagifyTagData = override\r\n ? data\r\n : extend({}, tagElm.__tagifyTagData || {}, data)\r\n\r\n return tagElm.__tagifyTagData\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function placeCaretAfterNode( node ){\r\n if( !node || !node.parentNode ) return\r\n\r\n var nextSibling = node,\r\n sel = window.getSelection(),\r\n range = sel.getRangeAt(0);\r\n\r\n if (sel.rangeCount) {\r\n range.setStartAfter(nextSibling);\r\n range.collapse(true)\r\n // range.setEndBefore(nextSibling || node);\r\n sel.removeAllRanges();\r\n sel.addRange(range);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * iterate all tags, checking if multiple ones are close-siblings and if so, add a zero-space width character between them,\r\n * which forces the caret to be rendered when the selection is between tags.\r\n * Also do that if the tag is the first node.\r\n * @param {Array} tags\r\n */\r\nexport function fixCaretBetweenTags(tags, TagifyHasFocuse) {\r\n tags.forEach(tag => {\r\n if( getSetTagData(tag.previousSibling) || !tag.previousSibling ) {\r\n var textNode = document.createTextNode(ZERO_WIDTH_CHAR)\r\n tag.before(textNode)\r\n TagifyHasFocuse && placeCaretAfterNode(textNode)\r\n }\r\n })\r\n}\r\n\r\n","export default {\r\n delimiters : \",\", // [RegEx] split tags by any of these delimiters (\"null\" to cancel) Example: \",| |.\"\r\n pattern : null, // RegEx pattern to validate input by. Ex: /[1-9]/\r\n tagTextProp : 'value', // tag data Object property which will be displayed as the tag's text\r\n maxTags : Infinity, // Maximum number of tags\r\n callbacks : {}, // Exposed callbacks object to be triggered on certain events\r\n addTagOnBlur : true, // automatically adds the text which was inputed as a tag when blur event happens\r\n addTagOn : ['blur', 'tab', 'enter'], // if the tagify field (in a normal mode) has any non-tag input in it, convert it to a tag on any of these events: blur away from the field, click \"tab\"/\"enter\" key\r\n onChangeAfterBlur : true, // By default, the native way of inputs' onChange events is kept, and it only fires when the field is blured.\r\n duplicates : false, // \"true\" - allow duplicate tags\r\n whitelist : [], // Array of tags to suggest as the user types (can be used along with \"enforceWhitelist\" setting)\r\n blacklist : [], // A list of non-allowed tags\r\n enforceWhitelist : false, // Only allow tags from the whitelist\r\n userInput : true, // disable manually typing/pasting/editing tags (tags may only be added from the whitelist)\r\n keepInvalidTags : false, // if true, do not remove tags which did not pass validation\r\n createInvalidTags : true, // if false, do not create invalid tags from invalid user input\r\n mixTagsAllowedAfter : /,|\\.|\\:|\\s/, // RegEx - Define conditions in which mix-tags content allows a tag to be added after\r\n mixTagsInterpolator : ['[[', ']]'], // Interpolation for mix mode. Everything between these will become a tag, if is a valid Object\r\n backspace : true, // false / true / \"edit\"\r\n skipInvalid : false, // If `true`, do not add invalid, temporary, tags before automatically removing them\r\n pasteAsTags : true, // automatically converts pasted text into tags. if \"false\", allows for further text editing\r\n\r\n editTags : {\r\n clicks : 2, // clicks to enter \"edit-mode\": 1 for single click. any other value is considered as double-click\r\n keepInvalid : true // keeps invalid edits as-is until `esc` is pressed while in focus\r\n }, // 1 or 2 clicks to edit a tag. false/null for not allowing editing\r\n transformTag : ()=>{}, // Takes a tag input string as argument and returns a transformed value\r\n trim : true, // whether or not the value provided should be trimmed, before being added as a tag\r\n a11y: {\r\n focusableTags: false\r\n },\r\n\r\n mixMode: {\r\n insertAfterTag : '\\u00A0', // String/Node to inject after a tag has been added (see #588)\r\n },\r\n\r\n autoComplete: {\r\n enabled: true, // Tries to suggest the input's value while typing (match from whitelist) by adding the rest of term as grayed-out text\r\n rightKey: false, // If `true`, when Right key is pressed, use the suggested value to create a tag, else just auto-completes the input. in mixed-mode this is set to \"true\"\r\n tabKey: false, // If 'true`, pressing `tab` key would only auto-complete but not also convert to a tag (like `rightKey` does).\r\n },\r\n\r\n classNames: {\r\n namespace : 'tagify',\r\n mixMode : 'tagify--mix',\r\n selectMode : 'tagify--select',\r\n input : 'tagify__input',\r\n focus : 'tagify--focus',\r\n tagNoAnimation : 'tagify--noAnim',\r\n tagInvalid : 'tagify--invalid',\r\n tagNotAllowed : 'tagify--notAllowed',\r\n scopeLoading : 'tagify--loading',\r\n hasMaxTags : 'tagify--hasMaxTags',\r\n hasNoTags : 'tagify--noTags',\r\n empty : 'tagify--empty',\r\n inputInvalid : 'tagify__input--invalid',\r\n dropdown : 'tagify__dropdown',\r\n dropdownWrapper : 'tagify__dropdown__wrapper',\r\n dropdownHeader : 'tagify__dropdown__header',\r\n dropdownFooter : 'tagify__dropdown__footer',\r\n dropdownItem : 'tagify__dropdown__item',\r\n dropdownItemActive : 'tagify__dropdown__item--active',\r\n dropdownItemHidden : 'tagify__dropdown__item--hidden',\r\n dropdownInital : 'tagify__dropdown--initial',\r\n tag : 'tagify__tag',\r\n tagText : 'tagify__tag-text',\r\n tagX : 'tagify__tag__removeBtn',\r\n tagLoading : 'tagify__tag--loading',\r\n tagEditing : 'tagify__tag--editable',\r\n tagFlash : 'tagify__tag--flash',\r\n tagHide : 'tagify__tag--hide',\r\n\r\n },\r\n\r\n dropdown: {\r\n classname : '',\r\n enabled : 2, // minimum input characters to be typed for the suggestions dropdown to show\r\n maxItems : 10,\r\n searchKeys : [\"value\", \"searchBy\"],\r\n fuzzySearch : true,\r\n caseSensitive : false,\r\n accentedSearch : true,\r\n includeSelectedTags: false, // Should the suggestions list Include already-selected tags (after filtering)\r\n escapeHTML : true, // escapes HTML entities in the suggestions' rendered text\r\n highlightFirst : true, // highlights first-matched item in the list\r\n closeOnSelect : true, // closes the dropdown after selecting an item, if `enabled:0` (which means always show dropdown)\r\n clearOnSelect : true, // after selecting a suggetion, should the typed text input remain or be cleared\r\n position : 'all', // 'manual' / 'text' / 'all'\r\n appendTarget : null // defaults to document.body once DOM has been loaded\r\n },\r\n\r\n hooks: {\r\n beforeRemoveTag: () => Promise.resolve(),\r\n beforePaste: () => Promise.resolve(),\r\n suggestionClick: () => Promise.resolve(),\r\n beforeKeyDown: () => Promise.resolve(),\r\n }\r\n}","import { isObject, escapeHTML, extend, unaccent, logger } from './helpers'\n\n\n/**\n * Tagify's dropdown suggestions-related logic\n */\n\nexport default {\n events : {\n /**\n * Events should only be binded when the dropdown is rendered and removed when isn't\n * because there might be multiple Tagify instances on a certain page\n * @param {Boolean} bindUnbind [optional. true when wanting to unbind all the events]\n */\n binding( bindUnbind = true ){\n // references to the \".bind()\" methods must be saved so they could be unbinded later\n var _CB = this.dropdown.events.callbacks,\n // callback-refs\n _CBR = (this.listeners.dropdown = this.listeners.dropdown || {\n position : this.dropdown.position.bind(this, null),\n onKeyDown : _CB.onKeyDown.bind(this),\n onMouseOver : _CB.onMouseOver.bind(this),\n onMouseLeave : _CB.onMouseLeave.bind(this),\n onClick : _CB.onClick.bind(this),\n onScroll : _CB.onScroll.bind(this),\n }),\n action = bindUnbind ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener';\n\n if( this.settings.dropdown.position != 'manual' ){\n document[action]('scroll', _CBR.position, true)\n window[action]('resize', _CBR.position)\n window[action]('keydown', _CBR.onKeyDown)\n }\n\n this.DOM.dropdown[action]('mouseover', _CBR.onMouseOver)\n this.DOM.dropdown[action]('mouseleave', _CBR.onMouseLeave)\n this.DOM.dropdown[action]('mousedown', _CBR.onClick)\n this.DOM.dropdown.content[action]('scroll', _CBR.onScroll)\n },\n\n callbacks : {\n onKeyDown(e){\n // ignore keys during IME composition\n if( !this.state.hasFocus || this.state.composing )\n return\n\n // get the \"active\" element, and if there was none (yet) active, use first child\n var _s = this.settings,\n selectedElm = this.DOM.dropdown.querySelector(_s.classNames.dropdownItemActiveSelector),\n selectedElmData = this.dropdown.getSuggestionDataByNode(selectedElm),\n isMixMode = _s.mode == 'mix',\n isSelectMode = _s.mode == 'select';\n\n _s.hooks.beforeKeyDown(e, {tagify:this})\n .then(result => {\n switch( e.key ){\n case 'ArrowDown' :\n case 'ArrowUp' :\n case 'Down' : // >IE11\n case 'Up' : { // >IE11\n e.preventDefault()\n var dropdownItems = this.dropdown.getAllSuggestionsRefs(),\n actionUp = e.key == 'ArrowUp' || e.key == 'Up';\n\n if( selectedElm ) {\n selectedElm = this.dropdown.getNextOrPrevOption(selectedElm, !actionUp)\n }\n\n // if no element was found OR current item is not a \"real\" item, loop\n if( !selectedElm || !selectedElm.matches(_s.classNames.dropdownItemSelector) ){\n selectedElm = dropdownItems[actionUp ? dropdownItems.length - 1 : 0];\n }\n\n this.dropdown.highlightOption(selectedElm, true)\n // selectedElm.scrollIntoView({inline: 'nearest', behavior: 'smooth'})\n break;\n }\n case 'Escape' :\n case 'Esc': // IE11\n this.dropdown.hide();\n break;\n\n case 'ArrowRight' :\n if( this.state.actions.ArrowLeft )\n return\n case 'Tab' : {\n let shouldAutocompleteOnKey = !_s.autoComplete.rightKey || !_s.autoComplete.tabKey\n\n // in mix-mode, treat arrowRight like Enter key, so a tag will be created\n if( !isMixMode && !isSelectMode && selectedElm && shouldAutocompleteOnKey && !this.state.editing ){\n e.preventDefault() // prevents blur so the autocomplete suggestion will not become a tag\n var value = this.dropdown.getMappedValue(selectedElmData)\n\n this.input.autocomplete.set.call(this, value)\n return false\n }\n return true\n }\n case 'Enter' : {\n e.preventDefault()\n\n _s.hooks.suggestionClick(e, {tagify:this, tagData:selectedElmData, suggestionElm:selectedElm})\n .then(() => {\n if( selectedElm ){\n this.dropdown.selectOption(selectedElm)\n // highlight next option\n selectedElm = this.dropdown.getNextOrPrevOption(selectedElm, !actionUp)\n this.dropdown.highlightOption(selectedElm)\n return\n }\n else\n this.dropdown.hide()\n\n if( !isMixMode )\n this.addTags(this.state.inputText.trim(), true)\n })\n .catch(err => logger.warn(err))\n\n break;\n }\n case 'Backspace' : {\n if( isMixMode || this.state.editing.scope ) return;\n\n const value = this.input.raw.call(this)\n\n if( value == \"\" || value.charCodeAt(0) == 8203 ){\n if( _s.backspace === true )\n this.removeTags()\n else if( _s.backspace == 'edit' )\n setTimeout(this.editTag.bind(this), 0)\n }\n }\n }\n })\n },\n\n onMouseOver(e){\n var ddItem = e.target.closest(this.settings.classNames.dropdownItemSelector)\n // event delegation check\n this.dropdown.highlightOption(ddItem)\n },\n\n onMouseLeave(e){\n // de-highlight any previously highlighted option\n this.dropdown.highlightOption()\n },\n\n onClick(e){\n if( e.button != 0 || e.target == this.DOM.dropdown || e.target == this.DOM.dropdown.content ) return; // allow only mouse left-clicks\n\n var selectedElm = e.target.closest(this.settings.classNames.dropdownItemSelector),\n selectedElmData = this.dropdown.getSuggestionDataByNode(selectedElm)\n\n // temporary set the \"actions\" state to indicate to the main \"blur\" event it shouldn't run\n this.state.actions.selectOption = true;\n setTimeout(()=> this.state.actions.selectOption = false, 50)\n\n this.settings.hooks.suggestionClick(e, {tagify:this, tagData:selectedElmData, suggestionElm:selectedElm})\n .then(() => {\n if( selectedElm )\n this.dropdown.selectOption(selectedElm, e)\n else\n this.dropdown.hide()\n })\n .catch(err => logger.warn(err))\n },\n\n onScroll(e){\n var elm = e.target,\n pos = elm.scrollTop / (elm.scrollHeight - elm.parentNode.clientHeight) * 100;\n\n this.trigger(\"dropdown:scroll\", {percentage:Math.round(pos)})\n },\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * fill data into the suggestions list\n * (mainly used to update the list when removing tags while the suggestions dropdown is visible, so they will be re-added to the list. not efficient)\n */\n refilter( value ){\n value = value || this.state.dropdown.query || ''\n this.suggestedListItems = this.dropdown.filterListItems(value)\n\n this.dropdown.fill()\n\n if( !this.suggestedListItems.length )\n this.dropdown.hide()\n\n this.trigger(\"dropdown:updated\", this.DOM.dropdown)\n },\n\n /**\n * Given a suggestion-item, return the data associated with it\n * @param {HTMLElement} tagElm\n * @returns Object\n */\n getSuggestionDataByNode( tagElm ){\n var value = tagElm && tagElm.getAttribute('value')\n return this.suggestedListItems.find(item => item.value == value) || null\n },\n\n getNextOrPrevOption(selected, next = true) {\n var dropdownItems = this.dropdown.getAllSuggestionsRefs(),\n selectedIdx = dropdownItems.findIndex(item => item === selected);\n\n return next ? dropdownItems[selectedIdx + 1] : dropdownItems[selectedIdx - 1]\n },\n\n /**\n * mark the currently active suggestion option\n * @param {Object} elm option DOM node\n * @param {Boolean} adjustScroll when navigation with keyboard arrows (up/down), aut-scroll to always show the highlighted element\n */\n highlightOption( elm, adjustScroll ){\n var className = this.settings.classNames.dropdownItemActive,\n itemData;\n\n // focus casues a bug in Firefox with the placeholder been shown on the input element\n // if( this.settings.dropdown.position != 'manual' )\n // elm.focus();\n\n if( this.state.ddItemElm ){\n this.state.ddItemElm.classList.remove(className)\n this.state.ddItemElm.removeAttribute(\"aria-selected\")\n }\n\n if( !elm ){\n this.state.ddItemData = null\n this.state.ddItemElm = null\n this.input.autocomplete.suggest.call(this)\n return;\n }\n\n itemData = this.dropdown.getSuggestionDataByNode(elm)\n this.state.ddItemData = itemData\n this.state.ddItemElm = elm\n\n // this.DOM.dropdown.querySelectorAll(\".\" + this.settings.classNames.dropdownItemActive).forEach(activeElm => activeElm.classList.remove(className));\n elm.classList.add(className);\n elm.setAttribute(\"aria-selected\", true)\n\n if( adjustScroll )\n elm.parentNode.scrollTop = elm.clientHeight + elm.offsetTop - elm.parentNode.clientHeight\n\n // Try to autocomplete the typed value with the currently highlighted dropdown item\n if( this.settings.autoComplete ){\n this.input.autocomplete.suggest.call(this, itemData)\n this.dropdown.position() // suggestions might alter the height of the tagify wrapper because of unkown suggested term length that could drop to the next line\n }\n },\n\n /**\n * Create a tag from the currently active suggestion option\n * @param {Object} elm DOM node to select\n * @param {Object} event The original Click event, if available (since keyboard ENTER key also triggers this method)\n */\n selectOption( elm, event ){\n var _s = this.settings,\n {clearOnSelect, closeOnSelect} = _s.dropdown;\n\n if( !elm ) {\n this.addTags(this.state.inputText, true)\n closeOnSelect && this.dropdown.hide()\n return;\n }\n\n event = event || {}\n\n // if in edit-mode, do not continue but instead replace the tag's text.\n // the scenario is that \"addTags\" was called from a dropdown suggested option selected while editing\n\n var value = elm.getAttribute('value'),\n isNoMatch = value == 'noMatch',\n isMixMode = _s.mode == 'mix',\n tagData = this.suggestedListItems.find(item => (item.value ?? item) == value)\n\n // The below event must be triggered, regardless of anything else which might go wrong\n this.trigger('dropdown:select', {data:tagData, elm, event})\n\n if( !value || !tagData && !isNoMatch ){\n closeOnSelect && setTimeout(this.dropdown.hide.bind(this))\n return\n }\n\n if( this.state.editing ) {\n let normalizedTagData = this.normalizeTags([tagData])[0]\n tagData = _s.transformTag.call(this, normalizedTagData) || normalizedTagData\n\n // normalizing value, because \"tagData\" might be a string, and therefore will not be able to extend the object\n this.onEditTagDone(null, extend({__isValid: true}, tagData))\n }\n // Tagify instances should re-focus to the input element once an option was selected, to allow continuous typing\n else {\n this[isMixMode ? \"addMixTags\" : \"addTags\"]([tagData || this.input.raw.call(this)], clearOnSelect)\n }\n\n if( !isMixMode && !this.DOM.input.parentNode )\n return\n\n setTimeout(() => {\n this.DOM.input.focus()\n this.toggleFocusClass(true)\n })\n\n closeOnSelect && setTimeout(this.dropdown.hide.bind(this))\n\n // hide selected suggestion\n elm.addEventListener('transitionend', () => {\n this.dropdown.fillHeaderFooter()\n setTimeout(() => elm.remove(), 100)\n }, {once: true})\n\n elm.classList.add(this.settings.classNames.dropdownItemHidden)\n },\n\n // adds all the suggested items, including the ones which are not currently rendered,\n // unless specified otherwise (by the \"onlyRendered\" argument)\n selectAll( onlyRendered ){\n // having suggestedListItems with items messes with \"normalizeTags\" when wanting\n // to add all tags\n this.suggestedListItems.length = 0;\n this.dropdown.hide()\n\n this.dropdown.filterListItems('');\n\n var tagsToAdd = this.dropdown.filterListItems('');\n\n if( !onlyRendered )\n tagsToAdd = this.state.dropdown.suggestions\n\n // some whitelist items might have already been added as tags so when addings all of them,\n // skip adding already-added ones, so best to use \"filterListItems\" method over \"settings.whitelist\"\n this.addTags(tagsToAdd, true)\n return this\n },\n\n /**\n * returns an HTML string of the suggestions' list items\n * @param {String} value string to filter the whitelist by\n * @param {Object} options \"exact\" - for exact complete match\n * @return {Array} list of filtered whitelist items according to the settings provided and current value\n */\n filterListItems( value, options ){\n var _s = this.settings,\n _sd = _s.dropdown,\n options = options || {},\n list = [],\n exactMatchesList = [],\n whitelist = _s.whitelist,\n suggestionsCount = _sd.maxItems >= 0 ? _sd.maxItems : Infinity,\n searchKeys = _sd.searchKeys,\n whitelistItem,\n valueIsInWhitelist,\n searchBy,\n isDuplicate,\n niddle,\n i = 0;\n\n value = (_s.mode == 'select' && this.value.length && this.value[0][_s.tagTextProp] == value\n ? '' // do not filter if the tag, which is already selecetd in \"select\" mode, is the same as the typed text\n : value);\n\n if( !value || !searchKeys.length ){\n list = _sd.includeSelectedTags\n ? whitelist\n : whitelist.filter(item => !this.isTagDuplicate( isObject(item) ? item.value : item )) // don't include tags which have already been added.\n\n this.state.dropdown.suggestions = list;\n return list.slice(0, suggestionsCount); // respect \"maxItems\" dropdown setting\n }\n\n niddle = _sd.caseSensitive\n ? \"\"+value\n : (\"\"+value).toLowerCase()\n\n // checks if ALL of the words in the search query exists in the current whitelist item, regardless of their order\n function stringHasAll(s, query){\n return query.toLowerCase().split(' ').every(q => s.includes(q.toLowerCase()))\n }\n\n for( ; i < whitelist.length; i++ ){\n let startsWithMatch, exactMatch;\n\n whitelistItem = whitelist[i] instanceof Object ? whitelist[i] : { value:whitelist[i] } //normalize value as an Object\n\n let itemWithoutSearchKeys = !Object.keys(whitelistItem).some(k => searchKeys.includes(k) ),\n _searchKeys = itemWithoutSearchKeys ? [\"value\"] : searchKeys\n\n if( _sd.fuzzySearch && !options.exact ){\n searchBy = _searchKeys.reduce((values, k) => values + \" \" + (whitelistItem[k]||\"\"), \"\").toLowerCase().trim()\n\n if( _sd.accentedSearch ){\n searchBy = unaccent(searchBy)\n niddle = unaccent(niddle)\n }\n\n startsWithMatch = searchBy.indexOf(niddle) == 0\n exactMatch = searchBy === niddle\n valueIsInWhitelist = stringHasAll(searchBy, niddle)\n }\n\n else {\n startsWithMatch = true;\n valueIsInWhitelist = _searchKeys.some(k => {\n var v = '' + (whitelistItem[k] || '') // if key exists, cast to type String\n\n if( _sd.accentedSearch ){\n v = unaccent(v)\n niddle = unaccent(niddle)\n }\n\n if( !_sd.caseSensitive )\n v = v.toLowerCase()\n\n exactMatch = v === niddle\n\n return options.exact\n ? v === niddle\n : v.indexOf(niddle) == 0\n })\n }\n\n isDuplicate = !_sd.includeSelectedTags && this.isTagDuplicate( isObject(whitelistItem) ? whitelistItem.value : whitelistItem )\n\n // match for the value within each \"whitelist\" item\n if( valueIsInWhitelist && !isDuplicate )\n if( exactMatch && startsWithMatch)\n exactMatchesList.push(whitelistItem)\n else if( _sd.sortby == 'startsWith' && startsWithMatch )\n list.unshift(whitelistItem)\n else\n list.push(whitelistItem)\n }\n\n this.state.dropdown.suggestions = exactMatchesList.concat(list);\n\n // custom sorting function\n return typeof _sd.sortby == 'function'\n ? _sd.sortby(exactMatchesList.concat(list), niddle)\n : exactMatchesList.concat(list).slice(0, suggestionsCount)\n },\n\n /**\n * Returns the final value of a tag data (object) with regards to the \"mapValueTo\" dropdown setting\n * @param {Object} tagData\n * @returns\n */\n getMappedValue(tagData){\n var mapValueTo = this.settings.dropdown.mapValueTo,\n value = (mapValueTo\n ? typeof mapValueTo == 'function' ? mapValueTo(tagData) : (tagData[mapValueTo] || tagData.value)\n : tagData.value);\n\n return value\n },\n\n /**\n * Creates the dropdown items' HTML\n * @param {Array} sugegstionsList [Array of Objects]\n * @return {String}\n */\n createListHTML( sugegstionsList ){\n return extend([], sugegstionsList).map((suggestion, idx) => {\n if( typeof suggestion == 'string' || typeof suggestion == 'number' )\n suggestion = {value:suggestion}\n\n var mappedValue = this.dropdown.getMappedValue(suggestion);\n\n mappedValue = (typeof mappedValue == 'string' && this.settings.dropdown.escapeHTML)\n ? escapeHTML(mappedValue)\n : mappedValue;\n\n return this.settings.templates.dropdownItem.apply(this, [{...suggestion, mappedValue}, this])\n }).join(\"\")\n }\n}","import { sameStr, isObject, minify, getNodeHeight, getCaretGlobalPosition } from './helpers'\r\nimport suggestionsMethods from './suggestions'\r\n\r\nexport function initDropdown(){\r\n this.dropdown = {}\r\n\r\n // auto-bind \"this\" to all the dropdown methods\r\n for( let p in this._dropdown )\r\n this.dropdown[p] = typeof this._dropdown[p] === 'function'\r\n ? this._dropdown[p].bind(this)\r\n : this._dropdown[p]\r\n\r\n this.dropdown.refs()\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default {\r\n ...suggestionsMethods,\r\n\r\n refs(){\r\n this.DOM.dropdown = this.parseTemplate('dropdown', [this.settings])\r\n this.DOM.dropdown.content = this.DOM.dropdown.querySelector(\"[data-selector='tagify-suggestions-wrapper']\")\r\n },\r\n\r\n getHeaderRef(){\r\n return this.DOM.dropdown.querySelector(\"[data-selector='tagify-suggestions-header']\")\r\n },\r\n\r\n getFooterRef(){\r\n return this.DOM.dropdown.querySelector(\"[data-selector='tagify-suggestions-footer']\")\r\n },\r\n\r\n getAllSuggestionsRefs(){\r\n return [...this.DOM.dropdown.content.querySelectorAll(this.settings.classNames.dropdownItemSelector)]\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * shows the suggestions select box\r\n * @param {String} value [optional, filter the whitelist by this value]\r\n */\r\n show( value ){\r\n var _s = this.settings,\r\n firstListItem,\r\n firstListItemValue,\r\n allowNewTags = _s.mode == 'mix' && !_s.enforceWhitelist,\r\n noWhitelist = !_s.whitelist || !_s.whitelist.length,\r\n noMatchListItem,\r\n isManual = _s.dropdown.position == 'manual';\r\n\r\n // if text still exists in the input, and `show` method has no argument, then the input's text should be used\r\n value = value === undefined ? this.state.inputText : value\r\n\r\n // ⚠️ Do not render suggestions list if:\r\n // 1. there's no whitelist (can happen while async loading) AND new tags arn't allowed\r\n // 2. dropdown is disabled\r\n // 3. loader is showing (controlled outside of this code)\r\n if( (noWhitelist && !allowNewTags && !_s.templates.dropdownItemNoMatch)\r\n || _s.dropdown.enable === false\r\n || this.state.isLoading\r\n || this.settings.readonly )\r\n return;\r\n\r\n clearTimeout(this.dropdownHide__bindEventsTimeout)\r\n\r\n // if no value was supplied, show all the \"whitelist\" items in the dropdown\r\n // @type [Array] listItems\r\n this.suggestedListItems = this.dropdown.filterListItems(value)\r\n\r\n // trigger at this exact point to let the developer the chance to manually set \"this.suggestedListItems\"\r\n if( value && !this.suggestedListItems.length ){\r\n this.trigger('dropdown:noMatch', value)\r\n\r\n if( _s.templates.dropdownItemNoMatch )\r\n noMatchListItem = _s.templates.dropdownItemNoMatch.call(this, {value})\r\n }\r\n\r\n // if \"dropdownItemNoMatch\" was not defined, procceed regular flow.\r\n //\r\n if( !noMatchListItem ){\r\n // in mix-mode, if the value isn't included in the whilelist & \"enforceWhitelist\" setting is \"false\",\r\n // then add a custom suggestion item to the dropdown\r\n if( this.suggestedListItems.length ){\r\n if( value && allowNewTags && !this.state.editing.scope && !sameStr(this.suggestedListItems[0].value, value) )\r\n this.suggestedListItems.unshift({value})\r\n }\r\n else{\r\n if( value && allowNewTags && !this.state.editing.scope ){\r\n this.suggestedListItems = [{value}]\r\n }\r\n // hide suggestions list if no suggestion matched\r\n else{\r\n this.input.autocomplete.suggest.call(this);\r\n this.dropdown.hide()\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n firstListItem = this.suggestedListItems[0]\r\n firstListItemValue = \"\"+(isObject(firstListItem) ? firstListItem.value : firstListItem)\r\n\r\n if( _s.autoComplete && firstListItemValue ){\r\n // only fill the sugegstion if the value of the first list item STARTS with the input value (regardless of \"fuzzysearch\" setting)\r\n if( firstListItemValue.indexOf(value) == 0 )\r\n this.input.autocomplete.suggest.call(this, firstListItem)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n this.dropdown.fill(noMatchListItem)\r\n\r\n if( _s.dropdown.highlightFirst ) {\r\n this.dropdown.highlightOption(this.DOM.dropdown.content.querySelector(_s.classNames.dropdownItemSelector))\r\n }\r\n\r\n // bind events, exactly at this stage of the code. \"dropdown.show\" method is allowed to be\r\n // called multiple times, regardless if the dropdown is currently visible, but the events-binding\r\n // should only be called if the dropdown wasn't previously visible.\r\n if( !this.state.dropdown.visible )\r\n // timeout is needed for when pressing arrow down to show the dropdown,\r\n // so the key event won't get registered in the dropdown events listeners\r\n setTimeout(this.dropdown.events.binding.bind(this))\r\n\r\n // set the dropdown visible state to be the same as the searched value.\r\n // MUST be set *before* position() is called\r\n this.state.dropdown.visible = value || true\r\n this.state.dropdown.query = value\r\n\r\n this.setStateSelection()\r\n\r\n // try to positioning the dropdown (it might not yet be on the page, doesn't matter, next code handles this)\r\n if( !isManual ){\r\n // a slight delay is needed if the dropdown \"position\" setting is \"text\", and nothing was typed in the input,\r\n // so sadly the \"getCaretGlobalPosition\" method doesn't recognize the caret position without this delay\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.dropdown.position()\r\n this.dropdown.render()\r\n })\r\n }\r\n\r\n // a delay is needed because of the previous delay reason.\r\n // this event must be fired after the dropdown was rendered & positioned\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.trigger(\"dropdown:show\", this.DOM.dropdown)\r\n })\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Hides the dropdown (if it's not managed manually by the developer)\r\n * @param {Boolean} overrideManual\r\n */\r\n hide( overrideManual ){\r\n var {scope, dropdown} = this.DOM,\r\n isManual = this.settings.dropdown.position == 'manual' && !overrideManual;\r\n\r\n // if there's no dropdown, this means the dropdown events aren't binded\r\n if( !dropdown || !document.body.contains(dropdown) || isManual ) return;\r\n\r\n window.removeEventListener('resize', this.dropdown.position)\r\n this.dropdown.events.binding.call(this, false) // unbind all events\r\n\r\n // if the dropdown is open, and the input (scope) is clicked,\r\n // the dropdown should be now \"close\", and the next click (on the scope)\r\n // should re-open it, and without a timeout, clicking to close will re-open immediately\r\n // clearTimeout(this.dropdownHide__bindEventsTimeout)\r\n // this.dropdownHide__bindEventsTimeout = setTimeout(this.events.binding.bind(this), 250) // re-bind main events\r\n\r\n\r\n scope.setAttribute(\"aria-expanded\", false)\r\n dropdown.parentNode.removeChild(dropdown)\r\n\r\n // scenario: clicking the scope to show the dropdown, clicking again to hide -> calls dropdown.hide() and then re-focuses the input\r\n // which casues another onFocus event, which checked \"this.state.dropdown.visible\" and see it as \"false\" and re-open the dropdown\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n this.state.dropdown.visible = false\r\n }, 100)\r\n\r\n this.state.dropdown.query =\r\n this.state.ddItemData =\r\n this.state.ddItemElm =\r\n this.state.selection = null\r\n\r\n // if the user closed the dropdown (in mix-mode) while a potential tag was detected, flag the current tag\r\n // so the dropdown won't be shown on following user input for that \"tag\"\r\n if( this.state.tag && this.state.tag.value.length ){\r\n this.state.flaggedTags[this.state.tag.baseOffset] = this.state.tag\r\n }\r\n\r\n this.trigger(\"dropdown:hide\", dropdown)\r\n\r\n return this\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Toggles dropdown show/hide\r\n * @param {Boolean} show forces the dropdown to show\r\n */\r\n toggle(show){\r\n this.dropdown[this.state.dropdown.visible && !show ? 'hide' : 'show']()\r\n },\r\n\r\n getAppendTarget() {\r\n var _sd = this.settings.dropdown;\r\n return typeof _sd.appendTarget === 'function' ? _sd.appendTarget() : _sd.appendTarget;\r\n },\r\n\r\n render(){\r\n // let the element render in the DOM first, to accurately measure it.\r\n // this.DOM.dropdown.style.cssText = \"left:-9999px; top:-9999px;\";\r\n var ddHeight = getNodeHeight(this.DOM.dropdown),\r\n _s = this.settings,\r\n enabled = typeof _s.dropdown.enabled == 'number' && _s.dropdown.enabled >= 0,\r\n appendTarget = this.dropdown.getAppendTarget();\r\n\r\n if( !enabled ) return this;\r\n\r\n this.DOM.scope.setAttribute(\"aria-expanded\", true)\r\n\r\n // if the dropdown has yet to be appended to the DOM,\r\n // append the dropdown to the body element & handle events\r\n if( !document.body.contains(this.DOM.dropdown) ){\r\n this.DOM.dropdown.classList.add( _s.classNames.dropdownInital )\r\n this.dropdown.position(ddHeight)\r\n appendTarget.appendChild(this.DOM.dropdown)\r\n\r\n setTimeout(() =>\r\n this.DOM.dropdown.classList.remove( _s.classNames.dropdownInital )\r\n )\r\n }\r\n\r\n return this\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * re-renders the dropdown content element (see \"dropdownContent\" in templates file)\r\n * @param {String/Array} HTMLContent - optional\r\n */\r\n fill( HTMLContent ){\r\n HTMLContent = typeof HTMLContent == 'string'\r\n ? HTMLContent\r\n : this.dropdown.createListHTML(HTMLContent || this.suggestedListItems)\r\n\r\n var dropdownContent = this.settings.templates.dropdownContent.call(this, HTMLContent)\r\n\r\n this.DOM.dropdown.content.innerHTML = minify(dropdownContent)\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Re-renders only the header & footer.\r\n * Used when selecting a suggestion and it is wanted that the suggestions dropdown stays open.\r\n * Since the list of sugegstions is not being re-rendered completely every time a suggestion is selected (the item is transitioned-out)\r\n * then the header & footer should be kept in sync with the suggestions data change\r\n */\r\n fillHeaderFooter(){\r\n var suggestions = this.dropdown.filterListItems(this.state.dropdown.query),\r\n newHeaderElem = this.parseTemplate('dropdownHeader', [suggestions]),\r\n newFooterElem = this.parseTemplate('dropdownFooter', [suggestions]),\r\n headerRef = this.dropdown.getHeaderRef(),\r\n footerRef = this.dropdown.getFooterRef();\r\n\r\n newHeaderElem && headerRef?.parentNode.replaceChild(newHeaderElem, headerRef)\r\n newFooterElem && footerRef?.parentNode.replaceChild(newFooterElem, footerRef)\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * dropdown positioning logic\r\n * (shown above/below or next to typed text for mix-mode)\r\n */\r\n position( ddHeight ){\r\n var _sd = this.settings.dropdown,\r\n appendTarget = this.dropdown.getAppendTarget();\r\n\r\n if( _sd.position == 'manual' || !appendTarget) return\r\n\r\n var rect, top, bottom, left, width, ancestorsOffsets,\r\n isPlacedAbove,\r\n cssTop, cssLeft,\r\n ddElm = this.DOM.dropdown,\r\n isRTL = _sd.RTL,\r\n isDefaultAppendTarget = appendTarget === document.body,\r\n isSelfAppended = appendTarget === this.DOM.scope,\r\n appendTargetScrollTop = isDefaultAppendTarget ? window.pageYOffset : appendTarget.scrollTop,\r\n root = document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.documentElement,\r\n viewportHeight = root.clientHeight,\r\n viewportWidth = Math.max(root.clientWidth || 0, window.innerWidth || 0),\r\n positionTo = viewportWidth > 480 ? _sd.position : 'all',\r\n ddTarget = this.DOM[positionTo == 'input' ? 'input' : 'scope'];\r\n\r\n ddHeight = ddHeight || ddElm.clientHeight\r\n\r\n function getAncestorsOffsets(p){\r\n var top = 0, left = 0;\r\n\r\n p = p.parentNode;\r\n\r\n // when in element-fullscreen mode, do not go above the fullscreened-element\r\n while(p && p != root){\r\n top += p.offsetTop || 0\r\n left += p.offsetLeft || 0\r\n p = p.parentNode\r\n }\r\n\r\n return {top, left};\r\n }\r\n\r\n function getAccumulatedAncestorsScrollTop() {\r\n var scrollTop = 0,\r\n p = _sd.appendTarget.parentNode;\r\n\r\n while(p){\r\n scrollTop += p.scrollTop || 0;\r\n p = p.parentNode\r\n }\r\n\r\n return scrollTop;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( !this.state.dropdown.visible ) return\r\n\r\n if( positionTo == 'text' ){\r\n rect = getCaretGlobalPosition()\r\n bottom = rect.bottom\r\n top = rect.top\r\n left = rect.left\r\n width = 'auto'\r\n }\r\n\r\n else{\r\n ancestorsOffsets = getAncestorsOffsets(appendTarget)\r\n rect = ddTarget.getBoundingClientRect()\r\n top = isSelfAppended ? -1 : rect.top - ancestorsOffsets.top\r\n bottom = (isSelfAppended ? rect.height : rect.bottom - ancestorsOffsets.top) - 1\r\n left = isSelfAppended ? -1 : rect.left - ancestorsOffsets.left\r\n width = rect.width + 'px'\r\n }\r\n\r\n // if the \"append target\" isn't the default, correct the `top` variable by ignoring any scrollTop of the target's Ancestors\r\n if( !isDefaultAppendTarget ) {\r\n let accumulatedAncestorsScrollTop = getAccumulatedAncestorsScrollTop()\r\n top += accumulatedAncestorsScrollTop\r\n bottom += accumulatedAncestorsScrollTop\r\n }\r\n\r\n top = Math.floor(top)\r\n bottom = Math.ceil(bottom)\r\n\r\n isPlacedAbove = _sd.placeAbove ?? viewportHeight - rect.bottom < ddHeight\r\n\r\n // flip vertically if there is no space for the dropdown below the input\r\n cssTop = (isPlacedAbove ? top : bottom) + appendTargetScrollTop;\r\n\r\n // \"pageXOffset\" property is an alias for \"scrollX\"\r\n cssLeft = `left: ${(left + (isRTL ? (rect.width || 0) : 0) + window.pageXOffset)}px;`\r\n\r\n // rtl = rtl ?? viewportWidth -\r\n ddElm.style.cssText = `${cssLeft}; top: ${cssTop}px; min-width: ${width}; max-width: ${width}`;\r\n\r\n ddElm.setAttribute('placement', isPlacedAbove ? 'top' : 'bottom')\r\n ddElm.setAttribute('position', positionTo)\r\n },\r\n}\r\n","import { decode, extend, getfirstTextNode, isChromeAndroidBrowser, isNodeTag, isWithinNodeTag, injectAtCaret, getSetTagData, fixCaretBetweenTags, placeCaretAfterNode } from './helpers'\r\nimport {ZERO_WIDTH_CHAR} from './constants'\r\n\r\nvar deleteBackspaceTimeout;\r\n\r\nexport function triggerChangeEvent(){\r\n if( this.settings.mixMode.integrated ) return;\r\n\r\n var inputElm = this.DOM.originalInput,\r\n changed = this.state.lastOriginalValueReported !== inputElm.value,\r\n event = new CustomEvent(\"change\", {bubbles: true}); // must use \"CustomEvent\" and not \"Event\" to support IE\r\n\r\n if( !changed ) return;\r\n\r\n // must apply this BEFORE triggering the simulated event\r\n this.state.lastOriginalValueReported = inputElm.value\r\n\r\n // React hack: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/11488\r\n event.simulated = true\r\n if (inputElm._valueTracker)\r\n inputElm._valueTracker.setValue(Math.random())\r\n\r\n inputElm.dispatchEvent(event)\r\n\r\n // also trigger a Tagify event\r\n this.trigger(\"change\", this.state.lastOriginalValueReported)\r\n\r\n // React, for some reason, clears the input's value after \"dispatchEvent\" is fired\r\n inputElm.value = this.state.lastOriginalValueReported\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport default {\r\n // bind custom events which were passed in the settings\r\n customBinding(){\r\n this.customEventsList.forEach(name => {\r\n this.on(name, this.settings.callbacks[name])\r\n })\r\n },\r\n\r\n binding( bindUnbind = true ){\r\n var _s = this.settings,\r\n _CB = this.events.callbacks,\r\n _CBR,\r\n action = bindUnbind ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener';\r\n\r\n // do not allow the main events to be bound more than once\r\n if( this.state.mainEvents && bindUnbind )\r\n return;\r\n\r\n // set the binding state of the main events, so they will not be bound more than once\r\n this.state.mainEvents = bindUnbind;\r\n\r\n // everything inside gets executed only once-per instance\r\n if( bindUnbind && !this.listeners.main ){\r\n this.events.bindGlobal.call(this);\r\n\r\n if( this.settings.isJQueryPlugin )\r\n jQuery(this.DOM.originalInput).on('tagify.removeAllTags', this.removeAllTags.bind(this))\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n // TODO: bind bubblable \"focusin\" and \"focusout\" events on the Tagify scope itself and not the input\r\n\r\n\r\n // setup callback references so events could be removed later\r\n _CBR = (this.listeners.main = this.listeners.main || {\r\n keydown : ['input', _CB.onKeydown.bind(this)],\r\n click : ['scope', _CB.onClickScope.bind(this)],\r\n dblclick : _s.mode != 'select' && ['scope', _CB.onDoubleClickScope.bind(this)],\r\n paste : ['input', _CB.onPaste.bind(this)],\r\n drop : ['input', _CB.onDrop.bind(this)],\r\n compositionstart : ['input', _CB.onCompositionStart.bind(this)],\r\n compositionend : ['input', _CB.onCompositionEnd.bind(this)]\r\n })\r\n\r\n for( var eventName in _CBR ){\r\n _CBR[eventName] && this.DOM[_CBR[eventName][0]][action](eventName, _CBR[eventName][1]);\r\n }\r\n\r\n // listen to original input changes (unfortunetly this is the best way...)\r\n // https://stackoverflow.com/a/1949416/104380\r\n clearInterval(this.listeners.main.originalInputValueObserverInterval)\r\n this.listeners.main.originalInputValueObserverInterval = setInterval(_CB.observeOriginalInputValue.bind(this), 500)\r\n\r\n // observers\r\n var inputMutationObserver = this.listeners.main.inputMutationObserver || new MutationObserver(_CB.onInputDOMChange.bind(this));\r\n\r\n // cleaup just-in-case\r\n inputMutationObserver.disconnect()\r\n\r\n // observe stuff\r\n if( _s.mode == 'mix' ) {\r\n inputMutationObserver.observe(this.DOM.input, {childList:true})\r\n }\r\n },\r\n\r\n bindGlobal( unbind ) {\r\n var _CB = this.events.callbacks,\r\n action = unbind ? 'removeEventListener' : 'addEventListener',\r\n e;\r\n\r\n if( !this.listeners || (!unbind && this.listeners.global) ) return; // do not re-bind\r\n\r\n // these events are global and should never be unbinded, unless the instance is destroyed:\r\n this.listeners.global = this.listeners.global || [\r\n {\r\n type: this.isIE ? 'keydown' : 'input', // IE cannot register \"input\" events on contenteditable elements, so the \"keydown\" should be used instead..\r\n target: this.DOM.input,\r\n cb: _CB[this.isIE ? 'onInputIE' : 'onInput'].bind(this)\r\n },\r\n {\r\n type: 'keydown',\r\n target: window,\r\n cb: _CB.onWindowKeyDown.bind(this)\r\n },\r\n {\r\n type: 'focusin',\r\n target: this.DOM.scope,\r\n cb: _CB.onFocusBlur.bind(this)\r\n },\r\n {\r\n type: 'focusout',\r\n target: this.DOM.scope,\r\n cb: _CB.onFocusBlur.bind(this)\r\n },\r\n {\r\n type: 'click',\r\n target: document,\r\n cb: _CB.onClickAnywhere.bind(this),\r\n useCapture: true\r\n },\r\n ]\r\n\r\n for( e of this.listeners.global )\r\n e.target[action](e.type, e.cb, !!e.useCapture);\r\n },\r\n\r\n unbindGlobal() {\r\n this.events.bindGlobal.call(this, true);\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * DOM events callbacks\r\n */\r\n callbacks : {\r\n onFocusBlur(e){\r\n // when focusing within a tag which is in edit-mode\r\n var nodeTag = isWithinNodeTag.call(this, e.target),\r\n targetIsTagNode = isNodeTag.call(this, e.target),\r\n isFocused = e.type == 'focusin',\r\n lostFocus = e.type == 'focusout';\r\n\r\n // when focusing within a tag which is in edit-mode, only and specifically on the text-part of the tag node\r\n // and not the X button or any other custom element thatmight be there\r\n var tagTextNode = e.target?.closest(this.settings.classNames.tagTextSelector)\r\n\r\n if( nodeTag && isFocused && !targetIsTagNode) {\r\n this.toggleFocusClass(this.state.hasFocus = +new Date())\r\n\r\n // only if focused within a tag's text node should the `onEditTagFocus` function be called.\r\n // if clicked anywhere else inside a tag, which had triggered an `focusin` event,\r\n // the onFocusBlur should be aborted. This part was spcifically written for `select` mode.\r\n return tagTextNode\r\n ? this.events.callbacks.onEditTagFocus.call(this, nodeTag)\r\n : undefined\r\n }\r\n\r\n var _s = this.settings,\r\n text = e.target ? this.trim(this.DOM.input.textContent) : '', // a string\r\n currentDisplayValue = this.value?.[0]?.[_s.tagTextProp],\r\n ddEnabled = _s.dropdown.enabled >= 0,\r\n eventData = {relatedTarget:e.relatedTarget},\r\n isTargetSelectOption = this.state.actions.selectOption && (ddEnabled || !_s.dropdown.closeOnSelect),\r\n isTargetAddNewBtn = this.state.actions.addNew && ddEnabled,\r\n shouldAddTags;\r\n\r\n if( lostFocus ){\r\n if( e.relatedTarget === this.DOM.scope ){\r\n this.dropdown.hide()\r\n this.DOM.input.focus()\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n this.postUpdate()\r\n // _s.onChangeAfterBlur && this.triggerChangeEvent()\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( isTargetSelectOption || isTargetAddNewBtn )\r\n return;\r\n\r\n this.state.hasFocus = isFocused ? +new Date() : false\r\n this.toggleFocusClass(this.state.hasFocus)\r\n\r\n if( _s.mode == 'mix' ){\r\n if( isFocused ){\r\n this.trigger(\"focus\", eventData)\r\n }\r\n\r\n else if( lostFocus ){\r\n this.trigger(\"blur\", eventData)\r\n this.loading(false)\r\n this.dropdown.hide()\r\n // reset state which needs reseting\r\n this.state.dropdown.visible = undefined\r\n this.setStateSelection()\r\n }\r\n\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( isFocused ){\r\n this.toggleFocusClass(true);\r\n this.trigger(\"focus\", eventData)\r\n // e.target.classList.remove('placeholder');\r\n if( (_s.dropdown.enabled === 0 || !_s.userInput) && !this.state.dropdown.visible ){ // && _s.mode != \"select\"\r\n this.dropdown.show(this.value.length ? '' : undefined)\r\n }\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n else if( lostFocus && !targetIsTagNode){\r\n this.trigger(\"blur\", eventData)\r\n this.loading(false)\r\n\r\n // when clicking the X button of a selected tag, it is unwanted for it to be added back\r\n // again in a few more lines of code (shouldAddTags && addTags)\r\n if( _s.mode == 'select' ) {\r\n if( this.value.length ) {\r\n let firstTagNode = this.getTagElms()[0];\r\n text = this.trim(firstTagNode.textContent)\r\n }\r\n\r\n // if nothing has changed (same display value), do not add a tag\r\n if( currentDisplayValue === text )\r\n text = ''\r\n }\r\n\r\n shouldAddTags = text && !this.state.actions.selectOption && _s.addTagOnBlur && _s.addTagOn.includes('blur');\r\n\r\n // do not add a tag if \"selectOption\" action was just fired (this means a tag was just added from the dropdown)\r\n shouldAddTags && this.addTags(text, true)\r\n }\r\n\r\n this.DOM.input.removeAttribute('style')\r\n this.dropdown.hide()\r\n },\r\n\r\n onCompositionStart(e){\r\n this.state.composing = true\r\n },\r\n\r\n onCompositionEnd(e){\r\n this.state.composing = false\r\n },\r\n\r\n onWindowKeyDown(e){\r\n var focusedElm = document.activeElement,\r\n isTag = isNodeTag.call(this, focusedElm),\r\n isBelong = isTag && this.DOM.scope.contains(document.activeElement),\r\n isReadyOnlyTag = isBelong && focusedElm.hasAttribute('readonly'),\r\n nextTag;\r\n\r\n if( !isBelong || isReadyOnlyTag ) return;\r\n\r\n nextTag = focusedElm.nextElementSibling\r\n\r\n switch( e.key ){\r\n // remove tag if has focus\r\n case 'Backspace': {\r\n if( !this.settings.readonly ) {\r\n this.removeTags(focusedElm);\r\n (nextTag ? nextTag : this.DOM.input).focus()\r\n }\r\n\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // edit tag if has focus\r\n case 'Enter': {\r\n setTimeout(this.editTag.bind(this), 0, focusedElm);\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n\r\n onKeydown(e){\r\n var _s = this.settings;\r\n\r\n // ignore keys during IME composition or when user input is not allowed\r\n if( this.state.composing || !_s.userInput )\r\n return\r\n\r\n if( _s.mode == 'select' && _s.enforceWhitelist && this.value.length && e.key != 'Tab' ){\r\n e.preventDefault()\r\n }\r\n\r\n var s = this.trim(e.target.textContent);\r\n\r\n this.trigger(\"keydown\", {event:e})\r\n\r\n _s.hooks.beforeKeyDown(e, {tagify:this})\r\n .then(result => {\r\n /**\r\n * ONLY FOR MIX-MODE:\r\n */\r\n if( _s.mode == 'mix' ){\r\n switch( e.key ){\r\n case 'Left' :\r\n case 'ArrowLeft' : {\r\n // when left arrow was pressed, set a flag so when the dropdown is shown, right-arrow will be ignored\r\n // because it seems likely the user wishes to use the arrows to move the caret\r\n this.state.actions.ArrowLeft = true\r\n break\r\n }\r\n\r\n case 'Delete':\r\n case 'Backspace' : {\r\n if( this.state.editing ) return\r\n\r\n var sel = document.getSelection(),\r\n deleteKeyTagDetected = e.key == 'Delete' && sel.anchorOffset == (sel.anchorNode.length || 0),\r\n prevAnchorSibling = sel.anchorNode.previousSibling,\r\n isCaretAfterTag = sel.anchorNode.nodeType == 1 || !sel.anchorOffset && prevAnchorSibling && prevAnchorSibling.nodeType == 1 && sel.anchorNode.previousSibling,\r\n lastInputValue = decode(this.DOM.input.innerHTML),\r\n lastTagElems = this.getTagElms(),\r\n isZWS = sel.anchorNode.length === 1 && sel.anchorNode.nodeValue == String.fromCharCode(8203),\r\n // isCaretInsideTag = sel.anchorNode.parentNode('.' + _s.classNames.tag),\r\n tagBeforeCaret,\r\n tagElmToBeDeleted,\r\n firstTextNodeBeforeTag;\r\n\r\n if( _s.backspace == 'edit' && isCaretAfterTag ){\r\n tagBeforeCaret = sel.anchorNode.nodeType == 1 ? null : sel.anchorNode.previousElementSibling;\r\n setTimeout(this.editTag.bind(this), 0, tagBeforeCaret); // timeout is needed to the last cahacrter in the edited tag won't get deleted\r\n e.preventDefault() // needed so the tag elm won't get deleted\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( isChromeAndroidBrowser() && isCaretAfterTag instanceof Element ){\r\n firstTextNodeBeforeTag = getfirstTextNode(isCaretAfterTag)\r\n\r\n if( !isCaretAfterTag.hasAttribute('readonly') )\r\n isCaretAfterTag.remove() // since this is Chrome, can safetly use this \"new\" DOM API\r\n\r\n // Android-Chrome wrongly hides the keyboard, and loses focus,\r\n // so this hack below is needed to regain focus at the correct place:\r\n this.DOM.input.focus()\r\n setTimeout(() => {\r\n placeCaretAfterNode(firstTextNodeBeforeTag)\r\n this.DOM.input.click()\r\n\r\n })\r\n\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( sel.anchorNode.nodeName == 'BR')\r\n return\r\n\r\n if( (deleteKeyTagDetected || isCaretAfterTag) && sel.anchorNode.nodeType == 1 )\r\n if( sel.anchorOffset == 0 ) // caret is at the very begining, before a tag\r\n tagElmToBeDeleted = deleteKeyTagDetected // delete key pressed\r\n ? lastTagElems[0]\r\n : null;\r\n else\r\n tagElmToBeDeleted = lastTagElems[Math.min(lastTagElems.length, sel.anchorOffset) - 1]\r\n\r\n // find out if a tag *might* be a candidate for deletion, and if so, which\r\n else if( deleteKeyTagDetected )\r\n tagElmToBeDeleted = sel.anchorNode.nextElementSibling;\r\n\r\n else if( isCaretAfterTag instanceof Element )\r\n tagElmToBeDeleted = isCaretAfterTag;\r\n\r\n // tagElm.hasAttribute('readonly')\r\n if( sel.anchorNode.nodeType == 3 && // node at caret location is a Text node\r\n !sel.anchorNode.nodeValue && // has some text\r\n sel.anchorNode.previousElementSibling ) // text node has a Tag node before it\r\n e.preventDefault()\r\n\r\n // if backspace not allowed, do nothing\r\n // TODO: a better way to detect if nodes were deleted is to simply check the \"this.value\" before & after\r\n if( (isCaretAfterTag || deleteKeyTagDetected) && !_s.backspace ){\r\n e.preventDefault()\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( sel.type != 'Range' && !sel.anchorOffset && sel.anchorNode == this.DOM.input && e.key != 'Delete' ){\r\n e.preventDefault()\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( sel.type != 'Range' && tagElmToBeDeleted && tagElmToBeDeleted.hasAttribute('readonly') ){\r\n // allows the continuation of deletion by placing the caret on the first previous textNode.\r\n // since a few readonly-tags might be one after the other, iteration is needed:\r\n\r\n placeCaretAfterNode( getfirstTextNode(tagElmToBeDeleted) )\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n if ( e.key == 'Delete' && isZWS && getSetTagData(sel.anchorNode.nextSibling) ) {\r\n this.removeTags(sel.anchorNode.nextSibling)\r\n }\r\n\r\n // update regarding https://github.com/yairEO/tagify/issues/762#issuecomment-786464317:\r\n // the bug described is more severe than the fix below, therefore I disable the fix until a solution\r\n // is found which work well for both cases.\r\n // -------\r\n // nodeType is \"1\" only when the caret is at the end after last tag (no text after), or before first first (no text before)\r\n /*\r\n if( this.isFirefox && sel.anchorNode.nodeType == 1 && sel.anchorOffset != 0 ){\r\n this.removeTags() // removes last tag by default if no parameter supplied\r\n // place caret inside last textNode, if exist. it's an annoying bug only in FF,\r\n // if the last tag is removed, and there is a textNode before it, the caret is not placed at its end\r\n placeCaretAfterNode( setRangeAtStartEnd(false, this.DOM.input) )\r\n }\r\n */\r\n\r\n clearTimeout(deleteBackspaceTimeout)\r\n // a minimum delay is needed before the node actually gets detached from the document (don't know why),\r\n // to know exactly which tag was deleted. This is the easiest way of knowing besides using MutationObserver\r\n deleteBackspaceTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\r\n var sel = document.getSelection(),\r\n currentValue = decode(this.DOM.input.innerHTML),\r\n prevElm = !deleteKeyTagDetected && sel.anchorNode.previousSibling;\r\n\r\n // fixes #384, where the first and only tag will not get removed with backspace\r\n /*\r\n * [UPDATE DEC 3, 22] SEEMS BELOEW CODE IS NOT NEEDED ANY MORE\r\n *\r\n if( currentValue.length > lastInputValue.length && prevElm ){\r\n if( isNodeTag.call(this, prevElm) && !prevElm.hasAttribute('readonly') ){\r\n this.removeTags(prevElm)\r\n this.fixFirefoxLastTagNoCaret()\r\n\r\n // the above \"removeTag\" methods removes the tag with a transition. Chrome adds a
element for some reason at this stage\r\n if( this.DOM.input.children.length == 2 && this.DOM.input.children[1].tagName == \"BR\" ){\r\n this.DOM.input.innerHTML = \"\"\r\n this.value.length = 0\r\n return true\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n else\r\n prevElm.remove()\r\n }\r\n */\r\n\r\n // find out which tag(s) were deleted and trigger \"remove\" event\r\n // iterate over the list of tags still in the document and then filter only those from the \"this.value\" collection\r\n this.value = [].map.call(lastTagElems, (node, nodeIdx) => {\r\n var tagData = getSetTagData(node)\r\n\r\n // since readonly cannot be removed (it's technically resurrected if removed somehow)\r\n if( node.parentNode || tagData.readonly )\r\n return tagData\r\n else\r\n this.trigger('remove', { tag:node, index:nodeIdx, data:tagData })\r\n })\r\n .filter(n=>n) // remove empty items in the mapped array\r\n }, 20) // Firefox needs this higher duration for some reason or things get buggy when deleting text from the end\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n // currently commented to allow new lines in mixed-mode\r\n // case 'Enter' :\r\n // // e.preventDefault(); // solves Chrome bug - http://stackoverflow.com/a/20398191/104380\r\n }\r\n\r\n return true\r\n }\r\n\r\n var isManualDropdown = _s.dropdown.position == 'manual';\r\n\r\n switch( e.key ){\r\n case 'Backspace' :\r\n if( _s.mode == 'select' && _s.enforceWhitelist && this.value.length)\r\n this.removeTags()\r\n\r\n else if( !this.state.dropdown.visible || _s.dropdown.position == 'manual' ){\r\n if( e.target.textContent == \"\" || s.charCodeAt(0) == 8203 ){ // 8203: ZERO WIDTH SPACE unicode\r\n if( _s.backspace === true )\r\n this.removeTags()\r\n else if( _s.backspace == 'edit' )\r\n setTimeout(this.editTag.bind(this), 0) // timeout reason: when edited tag gets focused and the caret is placed at the end, the last character gets deletec (because of backspace)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n break;\r\n\r\n case 'Esc' :\r\n case 'Escape' :\r\n if( this.state.dropdown.visible ) return\r\n e.target.blur()\r\n break;\r\n\r\n case 'Down' :\r\n case 'ArrowDown' :\r\n // if( _s.mode == 'select' ) // issue #333\r\n if( !this.state.dropdown.visible )\r\n this.dropdown.show()\r\n break;\r\n\r\n case 'ArrowRight' : {\r\n let tagData = this.state.inputSuggestion || this.state.ddItemData\r\n if( tagData && _s.autoComplete.rightKey ){\r\n this.addTags([tagData], true)\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n break\r\n }\r\n case 'Tab' : {\r\n let selectMode = _s.mode == 'select'\r\n if(s && !selectMode) e.preventDefault()\r\n else return true;\r\n }\r\n\r\n case 'Enter' :\r\n // manual suggestion boxes are assumed to always be visible\r\n if( this.state.dropdown.visible && !isManualDropdown ) return\r\n e.preventDefault(); // solves Chrome bug - http://stackoverflow.com/a/20398191/104380\r\n // because the main \"keydown\" event is bound before the dropdown events, this will fire first and will not *yet*\r\n // know if an option was just selected from the dropdown menu. If an option was selected,\r\n // the dropdown events should handle adding the tag\r\n\r\n setTimeout(()=>{\r\n if( (!this.state.dropdown.visible || isManualDropdown) && !this.state.actions.selectOption && _s.addTagOn.includes(e.key.toLowerCase()) )\r\n this.addTags(s, true)\r\n })\r\n }\r\n })\r\n .catch(err => err)\r\n },\r\n\r\n onInput(e){\r\n this.postUpdate() // toggles \"tagify--empty\" class\r\n\r\n var _s = this.settings;\r\n\r\n if( _s.mode == 'mix' )\r\n return this.events.callbacks.onMixTagsInput.call(this, e);\r\n\r\n var value = this.input.normalize.call(this, undefined, {trim: false}),\r\n showSuggestions = value.length >= _s.dropdown.enabled,\r\n eventData = {value, inputElm:this.DOM.input},\r\n validation = this.validateTag({value});\r\n\r\n if( _s.mode == 'select' ) {\r\n this.toggleScopeValidation(validation)\r\n }\r\n\r\n eventData.isValid = validation;\r\n\r\n // for IE; since IE doesn't have an \"input\" event so \"keyDown\" is used instead to trigger the \"onInput\" callback,\r\n // and so many keys do not change the input, and for those do not continue.\r\n if( this.state.inputText == value ) return;\r\n\r\n // save the value on the input's State object\r\n this.input.set.call(this, value, false); // update the input with the normalized value and run validations\r\n // this.setRangeAtStartEnd(false, this.DOM.input); // fix caret position\r\n\r\n // if delimiters detected, add tags\r\n if( value.search(_s.delimiters) != -1 ){\r\n if( this.addTags( value ) ){\r\n this.input.set.call(this); // clear the input field's value\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n else if( _s.dropdown.enabled >= 0 ){\r\n this.dropdown[showSuggestions ? \"show\" : \"hide\"](value);\r\n }\r\n\r\n this.trigger('input', eventData) // \"input\" event must be triggered at this point, before the dropdown is shown\r\n },\r\n\r\n onMixTagsInput( e ){\r\n var rangeText, match, matchedPatternCount, tag, showSuggestions, selection,\r\n _s = this.settings,\r\n lastTagsCount = this.value.length,\r\n matchFlaggedTag,\r\n matchDelimiters,\r\n tagsElems = this.getTagElms(),\r\n fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(),\r\n range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0),\r\n remainingTagsValues = [].map.call(tagsElems, node => getSetTagData(node).value);\r\n\r\n // Android Chrome \"keydown\" event argument does not report the correct \"key\".\r\n // this workaround is needed to manually call \"onKeydown\" method with a synthesized event object\r\n if( e.inputType == \"deleteContentBackward\" && isChromeAndroidBrowser() ){\r\n this.events.callbacks.onKeydown.call(this, {\r\n target: e.target,\r\n key: \"Backspace\",\r\n })\r\n }\r\n\r\n // if there's a tag as the first child of the input, always make sure it has a zero-width character before it\r\n // or if two tags are next to each-other, add a zero-space width character (For the caret to appear)\r\n fixCaretBetweenTags(this.getTagElms())\r\n\r\n // re-add \"readonly\" tags which might have been removed\r\n this.value.slice().forEach(item => {\r\n if( item.readonly && !remainingTagsValues.includes(item.value) )\r\n fragment.appendChild( this.createTagElem(item) )\r\n })\r\n\r\n if( fragment.childNodes.length ){\r\n range.insertNode(fragment)\r\n this.setRangeAtStartEnd(false, fragment.lastChild)\r\n }\r\n\r\n // check if tags were \"magically\" added/removed (browser redo/undo or CTRL-A -> delete)\r\n if( tagsElems.length != lastTagsCount ){\r\n this.value = [].map.call(this.getTagElms(), node => getSetTagData(node))\r\n this.update({ withoutChangeEvent:true })\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( this.hasMaxTags() )\r\n return true\r\n\r\n if( window.getSelection ){\r\n selection = window.getSelection()\r\n\r\n // only detect tags if selection is inside a textNode (not somehow on already-existing tag)\r\n if( selection.rangeCount > 0 && selection.anchorNode.nodeType == 3 ){\r\n range = selection.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange()\r\n range.collapse(true)\r\n range.setStart(selection.focusNode, 0)\r\n\r\n rangeText = range.toString().slice(0, range.endOffset) // slice the range so everything AFTER the caret will be trimmed\r\n // split = range.toString().split(_s.mixTagsAllowedAfter) // [\"foo\", \"bar\", \"@baz\"]\r\n matchedPatternCount = rangeText.split(_s.pattern).length - 1;\r\n\r\n match = rangeText.match( _s.pattern )\r\n\r\n if( match )\r\n // tag string, example: \"@aaa ccc\"\r\n tag = rangeText.slice( rangeText.lastIndexOf(match[match.length-1]) )\r\n\r\n if( tag ){\r\n this.state.actions.ArrowLeft = false // start fresh, assuming the user did not (yet) used any arrow to move the caret\r\n this.state.tag = {\r\n prefix : tag.match(_s.pattern)[0],\r\n value : tag.replace(_s.pattern, ''), // get rid of the prefix\r\n }\r\n this.state.tag.baseOffset = selection.baseOffset - this.state.tag.value.length\r\n\r\n matchDelimiters = this.state.tag.value.match(_s.delimiters)\r\n // if a delimeter exists, add the value as tag (exluding the delimiter)\r\n if( matchDelimiters ){\r\n this.state.tag.value = this.state.tag.value.replace(_s.delimiters, '')\r\n this.state.tag.delimiters = matchDelimiters[0]\r\n this.addTags(this.state.tag.value, _s.dropdown.clearOnSelect)\r\n this.dropdown.hide()\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n showSuggestions = this.state.tag.value.length >= _s.dropdown.enabled\r\n\r\n // When writing something that might look like a tag (an email address) but isn't one - it is unwanted\r\n // the suggestions dropdown be shown, so the user can close it (in any way), and while continue typing,\r\n // dropdown should stay closed until another tag is typed.\r\n // if( this.state.tag.value.length && this.state.dropdown.visible === false )\r\n // showSuggestions = false\r\n\r\n // test for similar flagged tags to the current tag\r\n\r\n try{\r\n matchFlaggedTag = this.state.flaggedTags[this.state.tag.baseOffset]\r\n matchFlaggedTag = matchFlaggedTag.prefix == this.state.tag.prefix &&\r\n matchFlaggedTag.value[0] == this.state.tag.value[0]\r\n\r\n // reset\r\n if( this.state.flaggedTags[this.state.tag.baseOffset] && !this.state.tag.value )\r\n delete this.state.flaggedTags[this.state.tag.baseOffset];\r\n }\r\n catch(err){}\r\n\r\n // scenario: (do not show suggestions of another matched tag, if more than one detected)\r\n // (2 tags exist) \" a@a.com and @\"\r\n // (second tag is removed by backspace) \" a@a.com and \"\r\n if( matchFlaggedTag || matchedPatternCount < this.state.mixMode.matchedPatternCount )\r\n showSuggestions = false\r\n }\r\n // no (potential) tag found\r\n else{\r\n this.state.flaggedTags = {}\r\n }\r\n\r\n this.state.mixMode.matchedPatternCount = matchedPatternCount\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n // wait until the \"this.value\" has been updated (see \"onKeydown\" method for \"mix-mode\")\r\n // the dropdown must be shown only after this event has been triggered, so an implementer could\r\n // dynamically change the whitelist.\r\n setTimeout(()=>{\r\n this.update({withoutChangeEvent:true})\r\n this.trigger('input', extend({}, this.state.tag, {textContent:this.DOM.input.textContent}))\r\n\r\n if( this.state.tag )\r\n this.dropdown[showSuggestions ? \"show\" : \"hide\"](this.state.tag.value);\r\n }, 10)\r\n },\r\n\r\n onInputIE(e){\r\n var _this = this;\r\n // for the \"e.target.textContent\" to be changed, the browser requires a small delay\r\n setTimeout(function(){\r\n _this.events.callbacks.onInput.call(_this, e)\r\n })\r\n },\r\n\r\n observeOriginalInputValue(){\r\n // if, for some reason, the Tagified element is no longer in the DOM,\r\n // call the \"destroy\" method to kill all references to timeouts/intervals\r\n if( !this.DOM.originalInput.parentNode ) this.destroy()\r\n\r\n // if original input value changed for some reason (for exmaple a form reset)\r\n if( this.DOM.originalInput.value != this.DOM.originalInput.tagifyValue )\r\n this.loadOriginalValues()\r\n },\r\n\r\n onClickAnywhere(e){\r\n if (e.target != this.DOM.scope && !this.DOM.scope.contains(e.target)) {\r\n this.toggleFocusClass(false)\r\n this.state.hasFocus = false\r\n !this.settings.userInput && this.dropdown.hide()\r\n }\r\n },\r\n\r\n onClickScope(e){\r\n var _s = this.settings,\r\n tagElm = e.target.closest('.' + _s.classNames.tag),\r\n isScope = e.target === this.DOM.scope,\r\n timeDiffFocus = +new Date() - this.state.hasFocus;\r\n\r\n if( isScope && _s.mode != 'select' ){\r\n // if( !this.state.hasFocus )\r\n this.DOM.input.focus()\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n else if( e.target.classList.contains(_s.classNames.tagX) ){\r\n this.removeTags( e.target.parentNode )\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n else if( tagElm && !this.state.editing ){\r\n this.trigger(\"click\", { tag:tagElm, index:this.getNodeIndex(tagElm), data:getSetTagData(tagElm), event:e })\r\n\r\n if( _s.editTags === 1 || _s.editTags.clicks === 1 || _s.mode == 'select' )\r\n this.events.callbacks.onDoubleClickScope.call(this, e)\r\n\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n // when clicking on the input itself\r\n else if( e.target == this.DOM.input ){\r\n if( _s.mode == 'mix' ){\r\n // firefox won't show caret if last element is a tag (and not a textNode),\r\n // so an empty textnode should be added\r\n this.fixFirefoxLastTagNoCaret()\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( timeDiffFocus > 500 ){\r\n if( this.state.dropdown.visible )\r\n this.dropdown.hide()\r\n else if( _s.dropdown.enabled === 0 && _s.mode != 'mix' )\r\n this.dropdown.show(this.value.length ? '' : undefined)\r\n return\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n if( _s.mode == 'select' && _s.dropdown.enabled === 0 && !this.state.dropdown.visible) {\r\n this.events.callbacks.onDoubleClickScope.call(this, {...e, target: this.getTagElms()[0]})\r\n\r\n !_s.userInput && this.dropdown.show()\r\n }\r\n },\r\n\r\n // special proccess is needed for pasted content in order to \"clean\" it\r\n onPaste(e){\r\n e.preventDefault()\r\n\r\n var tagsElems,\r\n _s = this.settings,\r\n selectModeWithoutInput =_s.mode == 'select' && _s.enforceWhitelist;\r\n\r\n if( selectModeWithoutInput || !_s.userInput ){\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n\r\n var clipboardData, pastedText;\r\n\r\n if( _s.readonly ) return\r\n\r\n // Get pasted data via clipboard API\r\n clipboardData = e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData\r\n pastedText = clipboardData.getData('Text')\r\n\r\n _s.hooks.beforePaste(e, {tagify:this, pastedText, clipboardData})\r\n .then(result => {\r\n if( result === undefined )\r\n result = pastedText;\r\n\r\n if( result ){\r\n this.injectAtCaret(result, window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0))\r\n\r\n if( this.settings.mode == 'mix' ){\r\n this.events.callbacks.onMixTagsInput.call(this, e);\r\n }\r\n\r\n else if( this.settings.pasteAsTags ){\r\n tagsElems = this.addTags(this.state.inputText + result, true)\r\n }\r\n\r\n else {\r\n this.state.inputText = result\r\n this.dropdown.show(result)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n this.trigger('paste', {event: e, pastedText, clipboardData, tagsElems})\r\n })\r\n .catch(err => err)\r\n },\r\n\r\n onDrop(e){\r\n e.preventDefault()\r\n },\r\n\r\n onEditTagInput( editableElm, e ){\r\n var tagElm = editableElm.closest('.' + this.settings.classNames.tag),\r\n tagElmIdx = this.getNodeIndex(tagElm),\r\n tagData = getSetTagData(tagElm),\r\n textValue = this.input.normalize.call(this, editableElm),\r\n dataForChangedProp = {[this.settings.tagTextProp]: textValue, __tagId: tagData.__tagId}, // \"__tagId\" is needed so validation will skip current tag when checking for dups\r\n isValid = this.validateTag(dataForChangedProp), // the value could have been invalid in the first-place so make sure to re-validate it (via \"addEmptyTag\" method)\r\n hasChanged = this.editTagChangeDetected(extend(tagData, dataForChangedProp));\r\n\r\n // if the value is same as before-editing and the tag was valid before as well, ignore the current \"isValid\" result, which is false-positive\r\n if( !hasChanged && editableElm.originalIsValid === true )\r\n isValid = true\r\n\r\n tagElm.classList.toggle(this.settings.classNames.tagInvalid, isValid !== true)\r\n tagData.__isValid = isValid\r\n\r\n tagElm.title = isValid === true\r\n ? tagData.title || tagData.value\r\n : isValid // change the tag's title to indicate why is the tag invalid (if it's so)\r\n\r\n // show dropdown if typed text is equal or more than the \"enabled\" dropdown setting\r\n if( textValue.length >= this.settings.dropdown.enabled ){\r\n // this check is needed apparently because doing browser \"undo\" will fire\r\n // \"onEditTagInput\" but \"this.state.editing\" will be \"false\"\r\n if( this.state.editing )\r\n this.state.editing.value = textValue\r\n this.dropdown.show(textValue)\r\n }\r\n\r\n this.trigger(\"edit:input\", {\r\n tag : tagElm,\r\n index: tagElmIdx,\r\n data : extend({}, this.value[tagElmIdx], {newValue:textValue}),\r\n event: e\r\n })\r\n },\r\n\r\n onEditTagPaste( tagElm, e ){\r\n // Get pasted data via clipboard API\r\n var clipboardData = e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData,\r\n pastedText = clipboardData.getData('Text');\r\n\r\n e.preventDefault()\r\n\r\n var newNode = injectAtCaret(pastedText)\r\n this.setRangeAtStartEnd(false, newNode)\r\n },\r\n\r\n onEditTagClick( tagElm, e) {\r\n this.events.callbacks.onClickScope.call(this, e)\r\n },\r\n\r\n onEditTagFocus( tagElm ){\r\n this.state.editing = {\r\n scope: tagElm,\r\n input: tagElm.querySelector(\"[contenteditable]\")\r\n }\r\n },\r\n\r\n onEditTagBlur( editableElm, e ){\r\n // if \"relatedTarget\" is the tag then do not continue as this should not be considered a \"blur\" event\r\n var isRelatedTargetNodeTag = isNodeTag.call(this, e.relatedTarget)\r\n\r\n // in \"select-mode\" when editing the tag's template to include more nodes other than the editable \"span\",\r\n // clicking those elements should not be considered a blur event\r\n if( isRelatedTargetNodeTag && e.relatedTarget.contains(e.target) ) {\r\n this.dropdown.hide()\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n // if \"ESC\" key was pressed then the \"editing\" state should be `false` and if so, logic should not continue\r\n // because \"ESC\" reverts the edited tag back to how it was (replace the node) before editing\r\n if( !this.state.editing )\r\n return;\r\n\r\n if( !this.state.hasFocus )\r\n this.toggleFocusClass()\r\n\r\n // one scenario is when selecting a suggestion from the dropdown, when editing, and by selecting it\r\n // the \"onEditTagDone\" is called directly, already replacing the tag, so the argument \"editableElm\"\r\n // node isn't in the DOM anynmore because it has been replaced.\r\n if( !this.DOM.scope.contains(editableElm) ) return;\r\n\r\n var _s = this.settings,\r\n tagElm = editableElm.closest('.' + _s.classNames.tag),\r\n tagData = getSetTagData(tagElm),\r\n textValue = this.input.normalize.call(this, editableElm),\r\n dataForChangedProp = {[_s.tagTextProp]: textValue, __tagId: tagData.__tagId}, // \"__tagId\" is needed so validation will skip current tag when checking for dups\r\n originalData = tagData.__originalData, // pre-edit data\r\n hasChanged = this.editTagChangeDetected(extend(tagData, dataForChangedProp)),\r\n isValid = this.validateTag(dataForChangedProp), // \"__tagId\" is needed so validation will skip current tag when checking for dups\r\n hasMaxTags,\r\n newTagData;\r\n\r\n if( !textValue ){\r\n this.onEditTagDone(tagElm)\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n // if nothing changed revert back to how it was before editing\r\n if( !hasChanged ){\r\n this.onEditTagDone(tagElm, originalData)\r\n return\r\n }\r\n\r\n // need to know this because if \"keepInvalidTags\" setting is \"true\" and an invalid tag is edited as a valid one,\r\n // but the maximum number of tags have alreay been reached, so it should not allow saving the new valid value.\r\n // only if the tag was already valid before editing, ignore this check (see a few lines below)\r\n hasMaxTags = this.hasMaxTags()\r\n\r\n newTagData = extend(\r\n {},\r\n originalData,\r\n {\r\n [_s.tagTextProp]: this.trim(textValue),\r\n __isValid: isValid\r\n }\r\n )\r\n\r\n // pass through optional transformer defined in settings\r\n _s.transformTag.call(this, newTagData, originalData)\r\n\r\n // MUST re-validate after tag transformation\r\n // only validate the \"tagTextProp\" because is the only thing that metters for validating an edited tag.\r\n // -- Scenarios: --\r\n // 1. max 3 tags allowd. there are 4 tags, one has invalid input and is edited to a valid one, and now should be marked as \"not allowed\" because limit of tags has reached\r\n // 2. max 3 tags allowed. there are 3 tags, one is edited, and so max-tags vaildation should be OK\r\n isValid = (!hasMaxTags || originalData.__isValid === true) && this.validateTag(newTagData)\r\n\r\n if( isValid !== true ){\r\n this.trigger(\"invalid\", { data:newTagData, tag:tagElm, message:isValid })\r\n\r\n // do nothing if invalid, stay in edit-mode until corrected or reverted by presssing esc\r\n if( _s.editTags.keepInvalid ) return\r\n\r\n if( _s.keepInvalidTags )\r\n newTagData.__isValid = isValid\r\n else\r\n // revert back if not specified to keep\r\n newTagData = originalData\r\n }\r\n\r\n else if( _s.keepInvalidTags ){\r\n // cleaup any previous leftovers if the tag was invalid\r\n delete newTagData.title\r\n delete newTagData[\"aria-invalid\"]\r\n delete newTagData.class\r\n }\r\n\r\n // tagElm.classList.toggle(_s.classNames.tagInvalid, true)\r\n\r\n this.onEditTagDone(tagElm, newTagData)\r\n },\r\n\r\n onEditTagkeydown(e, tagElm){\r\n // ignore keys during IME composition\r\n if( this.state.composing )\r\n return\r\n\r\n this.trigger(\"edit:keydown\", {event:e})\r\n\r\n switch( e.key ){\r\n case 'Esc' :\r\n case 'Escape' : {\r\n this.state.editing = false\r\n var hasValueToRevertTo = !!tagElm.__tagifyTagData.__originalData.value\r\n\r\n if( hasValueToRevertTo )\r\n // revert the tag to how it was before editing\r\n // replace current tag with original one (pre-edited one)\r\n tagElm.parentNode.replaceChild(tagElm.__tagifyTagData.__originalHTML, tagElm)\r\n else\r\n tagElm.remove()\r\n\r\n break\r\n }\r\n case 'Enter' :\r\n case 'Tab' : {\r\n e.preventDefault()\r\n\r\n var EDITED_TAG_BLUR_DELAY = 0;\r\n\r\n // a setTimeout is used so when editing (in \"select\" mode) while the dropdown is shown and a suggestion is highlighted\r\n // and ENTER key is pressed down - the `dropdown.hide` method won't be invoked immediately and unbind the dropdown's\r\n // KEYDOWN \"ENTER\" before it has time to call the handler and select the suggestion.\r\n setTimeout(() => e.target.blur(), EDITED_TAG_BLUR_DELAY)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n\r\n onDoubleClickScope(e){\r\n var tagElm = e.target.closest('.' + this.settings.classNames.tag),\r\n tagData = getSetTagData(tagElm),\r\n _s = this.settings,\r\n isEditingTag,\r\n isReadyOnlyTag;\r\n\r\n if( !tagElm || tagData.editable === false ) return\r\n\r\n isEditingTag = tagElm.classList.contains(this.settings.classNames.tagEditing)\r\n isReadyOnlyTag = tagElm.hasAttribute('readonly')\r\n\r\n if( !_s.readonly && !isEditingTag && !isReadyOnlyTag && this.settings.editTags && _s.userInput )\r\n this.editTag(tagElm)\r\n\r\n this.toggleFocusClass(true)\r\n\r\n if( _s.mode != 'select' )\r\n this.trigger('dblclick', { tag:tagElm, index:this.getNodeIndex(tagElm), data:getSetTagData(tagElm) })\r\n },\r\n\r\n /**\r\n *\r\n * @param {Object} m an object representing the observed DOM changes\r\n */\r\n onInputDOMChange(m){\r\n // iterate all DOM mutation\r\n m.forEach(record => {\r\n // only the ADDED nodes\r\n record.addedNodes.forEach(addedNode => {\r\n // fix chrome's placing '